Sunday Worship in church and Online
In church, worship looks rather different now, due to Covid19 precautions, with social distancing, wearing facemasks. Happily, hymn singing is now permitted, albeit still masked, which rather muffles the sound. The online service is partly recorded live on Sunday morning and partly including pre-recorded hymns. We hope you will enjoy the look.
Our weekly services are published through our website and we hope you find them helpful in your daily worship. Each service lasts around 30-45 minutes. These will be available, usually, from around midday on Monday. They can be viewed at any time, but we hope you can join us for all or some of these services at around 11am each Sunday morning. We can all feel togetherness as a part of our church communities as we view together. Access the latest service from the link below (and some previous ones if you missed them, from the ‘Virtual Services Archive’ menu above).
Use this quick link to This week’s Virtual Service