Welcome to our video service for this week, Sunday 24th May.
The Order of Worship is shown below.
A Moment’s Silence as we still ourselves
Call to Worship….God has given us eternal life, and this life is to be found in his Son. He who possesses the Son has life indeed…..we can approach God with confidence for this reason.
Praise CH4 511. Your hand O God has guided
Prayers of Adoration,Confession,Supplication
Lesson. – 2 Kings 2, vss 1-6, 11-15
Praise. CH4 251. I the Lord of sea and sky
Lesson. – Acts 1, vss 1-11
Prayers of Thanks and Intercession & LP
Praise. CH4 694. Brother, sister let me serve you
Ascription of Glory
Dedication of Offerings and Ourselves
Leader. In the strength of Jesus’ victory
Voice 1. We go from here
Voice 2. His messengers
Voice 3. His brothers and sisters
Leader. Jesus is Lord!
Voice 2. Not a good man, now dead
Voice 1. But a Risen Saviour
Voice 2. Not a figure in a book
Voice 3. But a living presence with us
May He bless our Offerings today, that they may be used as part of our service to Him and His living Church
Praise. CH4 255. Father, hear the prayer we offer
Recessional …. May the God of peace go with us