Virtual Service for Sunday 3rd May

Welcome to our video service for this week, Sunday 3rd May.

During the service we remember VE Day, 75 years on from the end of the 2nd World War in Europe in 1945 – all in the context of our current suspension of normal life due to the ongoing Covid19 pandemic.

The Order of Worship is shown below.

Order of Worship for Sunday 3rd May


A few moments of opening stillness


Call to Worship. (All together). Our help is in the name of the Lord, maker of heaven and earth.  (Psalm 124, 8)

Praise CH4 715.    Behold the mountain of the Lord

Prayers and Lords Prayer

Lesson : Deuteronomy 6, vss 1-9

Solo (Sung by Heather) “Where have all the flowers gone?”

Lesson : Luke 7, vss 1 – 10

Prayers of Intercession

Praise CH4 521 Children of God, reach out to one another

SERMON   Ascription of Glory

Dedication of Offerings

Praise CH4 681.  Send out the Gospel
