Service for Sunday 4th July
Welcome to our video service for Sunday, 4th July
Service conducted by Rev Blair Gillon
Welcome and Notices
Call to Worship ….You are a people claimed by God as His own, to proclaim His glorious deeds of Him who has called you out of darkness into marvellous light. (1 Peter 2, Vs 9)
HYMN. 706 Christ is made the sure foundation
Prayers of Confession & LP
Lesson. II Samuel 5,1-5
ORGAN RECITAL – Partita Gigue – Johann Nikolaus Tischer (1707-1774)
Lesson. II Corinthians 12, 2-10
HYMN. 192 All my hope
Ascription of Glory
Prayers of Dedication and Intercession
HYMN 251. I the Lord of sea and sky