Service for Sunday 1st November

Welcome to our video service for Sunday, 1st November

Welcome and Notices

Call to Worship. – Almighty God, your servant Abraham obeyed your Call, rejoicing in your promise that in him all the families of the Earth should be blessed. Give us faith like his, that in us your promises may be fulfilled. Through Jesus Christ our Lord who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God now and for ever. Amen

Hymn 374. From heaven you came

Prayer Slides and Lords Prayer

Lesson. – Daniel 7, vss. 1,9-10, 13-14

Organ Recital

Lesson. – Revelations 7, vss 9-17

Prayers of Thanksgiving & Intercession

Hymn 189. Be still

Lesson. – Matthew 5, vss 1-12

SERMON…………….”All Saints”  Ascription of Glory

Dedication of Offerings

Hymn. 251. I the Lord of sea and sky


Recessional. Hymn 807. Praise God