
Within our church family we have a dedicated and committed prayer group who regularly pray for the work of the church, the work of the Crosshouse church in our Parish and for all our members.  

Thursday Hour of Prayer for Crosshouse Church and Confidential Prayer Requests

Because we can’t continue to meet on a Thursday to pray for the church we have decided that we will continue to pray at the same time, 2pm every Thursday as usual, but in our own homes. We all consider the church to be the people rather than the building, but owing to the current situation, we won’t be able to meet with one another and therefore won’t be able to know easily who needs help or prayer. With this in mind we have resurrected the telephone prayer chain – details below. We will also be continuing to pray for the prayer box.

Telephone Prayer Chain – Entirely Confidential.

We all consider the church to be the people rather than the building, but owing to the current situation, we won’t be able to meet with one another and therefore won’t be able to know easily who needs help or prayer. With this in mind we have resurrected the telephone prayer chain. Anyone needing prayer (or help) need only telephone the first person on the chain which is Heather Heywood. She will pray as soon as she puts the phone down and then phone the next person on the chain. They will then do the same. At the moment we have 5 people on the chain.  We will operate strictly on a need to know basis. ie. first name, what’s wrong and the prayer request. Or even just name and a non specific request for prayer. To initiate a prayer request, telephone 01563 529902 and ask for Heather.