Welcome to our video service for Sunday, 11th October
This Sunday was our fourth back in church for Sunday Morning Worship.
Welcome and Notices
Call to Worship. – Almighty God, quicken your Spirit within us, that we being renewed both in body and mind, may worship you in sincerity and truth and serve you with thankfulness of heart, to plant seeds of faith and reap a harvest of faith and care. Amen
Hymn. 522. We plough the fields
Prayer Slides and Lord’s Prayer
OT Lesson. – Proverbs 14, vss 8-23
Organ Recital
NT Lesson. – Matthew 9, vss 1-8, 35-38
Prayers from Minister
Hymn (MP) 642. The earth is the Lord’s
SERMON Ascription of Glory
Dedication of Offerings
Hymn. 233. Come, ye thankful people
Recessional Hymn 460. May God’s blessings