Service for Sunday 8th November

Welcome to our video service for Sunday, 8th November, during which we remember those who have lost their lives in times of war.


Call to Worship. –  We are met this day to glorify God whose power sustains the world; to remember with thanksgiving those who lived and died in the service of our country; and to ask God’s help and blessing that we may be worthy of their sacrifice each day if our life.

(Let us worship God) God is our refuge and stronghold, a timely help in trouble.           Psalm 46 Verse 1

Hymn 715.   Behold! the mountain of the Lord

OT Lesson.  –  Deuteronomy 4, 9-14

Short Poem.  (Selected verses)

Apostles’ Creed.       (All Stand)

NT Lesson. –  St John 15, 9-17

Prayers and Lord’s Prayer 

Sermon   Ascription of Glory

Hymn 706.   For the healing of the nations
