Welcome to our video service for Sunday, 8th November, during which we remember those who have lost their lives in times of war.
Call to Worship. – We are met this day to glorify God whose power sustains the world; to remember with thanksgiving those who lived and died in the service of our country; and to ask God’s help and blessing that we may be worthy of their sacrifice each day if our life.
(Let us worship God) God is our refuge and stronghold, a timely help in trouble. Psalm 46 Verse 1
Hymn 715. Behold! the mountain of the Lord
OT Lesson. – Deuteronomy 4, 9-14
Short Poem. (Selected verses)
Apostles’ Creed. (All Stand)
NT Lesson. – St John 15, 9-17
Prayers and Lord’s Prayer
Sermon Ascription of Glory
Hymn 706. For the healing of the nations