Service for Sunday 16th August

Welcome to our video service for Sunday, 16th August

The Order of Worship is shown below.

Silent Prayer


Call to Worship

Hymn. 210. Awake my soul

Prayers and Lord’s Prayer

Lesson.   Proverbs 3, vss 11-22

Hymn. 694. Brother, sister let me serve you

Lesson.   Luke 15, vss 25-32

Prayers of Thanks and Intercession

Hymn. 363. We have a Gospel to proclaim

SERMON. The Prodigal Son (Part 2)                                                                                                                              Ascription of Glory

Dedication of Offerings

Hymn. 514. Onward Christian soldiers


Recessional 646 vss 1 and 5   Forth in the peace of Christ we go